Educate and empower your team with legal knowledge and resources

About LoreEd

Previously known as CLTP, LoreEd is an interactive online training portal, providing training courses for airlines, retailers, and general trading companies.
Our courses include aviation law, consumer law, complaint handling and data protection/GDPR and have been written by leading Solicitors, Barristers, and other experts specifically for customer service agents, directors, and in-house legal teams. We can also tailor courses to cater for specific needs.

Our Courses

Online training  customer service
Expert trainer:  Dean Dunham
Consumer Law Training for Retail Customer Services and Shop Floor Staff

Our detailed and thorough consumer law training course is delivered by award winning consumer law lawyer Dean Dunham, who is widely regarded as the leader in the field.
The course consists of ten modules, each comprising a video, PowerPoint, case study and multiple choice test. Upon successful completion of the course the delegate is issued with a certificate.
GDPR Training course
Expert trainer: Stephanie Lewis
GDPR for employees 

A basic course that highlights the need for an understanding of GDPR and how it affects the work place.
GDPR DPO training
Expert trainer: Stephanie Lewis
A comprehensive course for DPOs that gives a full understanding of GDPR.
Aviation ADR training
A unique comprehensive course for the Aviation industry
Aviation and Flight Compensation Law for Airline Customer Service Operatives
A comprehensive online learning course for the Aviation industry which covers Alternative dispute resolution (ADR) and Aviation customer service complaints.
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